Monday, September 20, 2010

--women are like wild flowers--

  i wrote this for all the special women in my life thus far,
whether they know it or not, they are never far from me,
in my head, and in my heart--

--women are like wild flowers--

   women are like wild flowers, because the beautiful part, what
you can see, isn't what makes it special--
   it's the roots, the heart of the flower, the place where all that
beauty comes from, that's important--
   see, not every women is a's not who she is, or how
much money she has, it's how she is, and how she carries herself,
that does--
 a person like that, shows us all, that if you value yourself, other
people will too...she's inspiring--
    anyhow, young men are in a real hurry to do everything...
 so, when a young man sees this beautiful wild flower on the side
of the road, he's more than likely going to just pick it, and run home--
    but before too long he's going to notice it's changed, and he'll put
in some water, or something, to try and fix it... not long after that, he'll see
it's gone, he's messed it up--
     but, a wise man, that happens upon that same flower, will be amazed,
he knows what the world is like, and he can't believe something so
beautiful could exist out there all by itself, and he'll worry someone
might come along and harm it--
    this man realizes, it's the root that makes it what it, he'll
get just the right pot, and find just the right soil, and the perfect tool,
to ease it out of the earth--
      so, when he's all set, at the last moment, he'll hesitate, he's a brave
man, but he's scared to death he might harm this flower--
   in the end, he's just got to have it, and so he takes it home, so they can
always be together...

     it's worth noting, that these wild flowers have a peculiar habit, of
planting themselves on the roads that lead to the houses of men they like--
    but the truth is, there's been scarce few men, that have ever gotten
the flower home without messing it up...

   --a lady's heart is a special prize, only one person in the whole world can claim,
and that's why true love, is a kind of miracle, when it happens...

                                                      --best wishes, and god bless--


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