Wednesday, November 23, 2011

--traffic court 2--

   today's legal moments did not
produce the outcome i desired,
  looks like another appearance
to try again--


   something i was thinking

the way of the sword...
    the point does the deed,
the end of the handle makes
the call--
   all the cuts come from the
same place, the blade need feel
no shame, when the duty is done--

                      --prince tippy--


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

--traffic court--

   my van was side-swiped while i was
stopped, and i was issued a citation, that
i am going to dispute tomorrow, 8:30 am cst
at the city-county building (210 martain luther
blvd, madison wi )--
  any well-wishers should direct warm/fuzzy
thoughts in that direction...i feel i have
a good argument for dismissal of the
                          --carpe diem--

Friday, November 18, 2011

--i have a dream(military version)--

   some silliness that wizzed
through my head awhile back...

   I have a dream...
there are many like it, but this one
is mine--
  though i may walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, i fear no evil,
for my dream is with me...and the action
is clear--
                                       --ooh rah--

--the mail part 3--

    some info for anyone that would like
to write me(snail-mail)...

    i am not able to get mail at "6666
odana rd #182 madison, wi 53719"
right now, due to the bill being unpaid,
   so, do not send any mail to that address
until further notice( i will not get what is sent),
i will re-post that the address is re-opened,
or that i have secured a different one...soon--

                --best wishes--

Thursday, November 17, 2011

- .... . -.-. - - - -.. .

   ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --.   .   .-- .- ... 
- .... . -. -.- . -. --.   -.-- . ... - . .-. -.. .- -.--   ,

   -. ---   -- .- -.   .-.. . ..-. -
-.. . .... .. -. -..   ,
-. ---   .-- .- -.--   ,
-. ---   .... --- .--   ,
-. --- -   ..-. --- .-.   .- -. -.--
-.- . .- ... --- -.   ,
-. ---   . -..- -.-. . .--. - .. --- -. ...   ,
.- - --- ..- --. .... -... ..- -. -.-. ....   ,
.-- .. - ....   - --- ..- --. ....   -.- ..- .-.. . ...   ,
-. ---   .- .--. .--. --- .-.. --- --. .. . ...   ,
.- -. -..   . ...- . -. ..-. . .-- . .-.   . -..- -.-. ..- ... . ...   ,
  .-- .... .- -   --. . - ...   .-.. . ..-. -   ,
.. ...   - .... . .-. .   -... -.--   ..-. --- .-. -.-. .   ,
.- -. -..   -. ... -   .- -... .- -. -.. --- -. -..   ,
                     .--. .-. .. -. -.-. .   - .. .--. .--. -.--
  .-. -..

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


   you crossed my mind today,
it was a pleasant passing...

   just the right one,
sometimes you just know, right away,
but the moment passes, and
something  truly special, meant  only 
 for you, slips from your grasp...
  gone, but not forgotten, in case
fate favors a second chance, at something
                               --prince tippy--


Monday, November 14, 2011

--1000 yard stare--

  some thoughts i had the other day--

      by yourself in a crowded
room, people all around and not
a spot to think, get your head squared
away, and mingle--
   too much food for thought gags the
social life, yesterday keeps messing up
 today, very regularly--
  going moment to moment without caring...
someone will reach you, when, whom, and
where, is a mystery--
                --keep paddling--

                                        --prince tippy--


Friday, November 11, 2011


   something else i wrote the other day--

  my country, my family, my friends,
always, all the time, and in that order...
  a purpose, greater than myself, that i
pursue for honourable reasons, with my
whole being--
 --stand tall, think quick, stays safe--

                                 --ooh rah--



    something i wrote days ago, and
just found time to post--

       for some it's a place, for
others it's where you happen to
be standing, and who you are with--

   for me, it's the latter, never mind your
surroundings, it's all about good company,
great times, and warm feelings--
   a good home invites good friends,
creates special memories, and makes
lasting connections--
           --happy holidays--

                             --prince tippy--


Thursday, November 3, 2011

--the mail (part 2)--

   the federal mailing system...

   my bill is coming up, and i may have
let my address go for a bit, still not
even one letter from anyone, nor an
e-mail, or anything...i was hoping for
maybe a letter--
   i wonder if it there is a problem with my
address?, if anyone at the post office reads
 this, i would love a transcript of the mail
shipped to my address this year, it would
only be a few pages, this way i know all my
mail is getting through--
  maybe a transcript of all my
e-mails as well...(yahoo), this way i
know there isn't a problem with the
delivery of them to my e-mail address--

     --best wishes, prince tippy--

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

--looking for work--

   looking for work delivering
pizza in madison wisconsin--

   so far no luck( i have lots of experience),
any interested employers may call
414-213-1831(my other number isn't
operational until i can pay the bill)--

                        --best wishes--

Friday, October 21, 2011


   something i wrote this morning,
in one of my favorite spots--

   a small thing, that's big all over
the world--
   a little bean that does big things...
getting us going every morning,
keeping us awake, alert, and warm
from within--
   making the human condition better,
everyday...whether by yourself, or among
friends, it's a simple pleasure that remains
the same, each time--
   giving comfort, and a little happiness,
to all...till your cup runs dry--

                           --best wishes,
                                          prince tippy--



Thursday, October 13, 2011


   something i wrote last night about
the up-coming holiday--

  a night for kids, candy, and family
fun, with hopes of no tricks, and all
treats..not even one--
  for those grown, a night to cut-loose,
and "let your hair down"...
  for ghosts, goblins, witches, and trolls,
to come alive... all over town--
  for everyone to enjoy the thrill of being alive,
till morning, when a new day arrives--

    --stay safe, and best wishes--

                                    --prince tippy--


Monday, October 10, 2011

--museum of science and industry--

     i recently had a good visit at the museum of
science and industry--

     a great way to spend some time, learning
new things, and viewing the worlds many
wonders...all in one place( truly a miracle)--
     i had some luck in the flight simulator( pulling
a sortie, in a little bird called a "phantom"), i
emerged with a(small, but silly) grin, and a few
choice foolish words, i can't recall, but my first
thought was, "it was windy"...although none was present--
    took a tour of another exhibit i had not seen for
awhile(1984), she was sitting quite different this time,
different, yet still both amazing, and an enigma...
   i looked closely at the first capsule to be launched into
space( seemed like close-quarters in that single-seater),
"houston... we have a problem..."
    all-in-all a great visit to the "windy city", and the museum
did not disappoint, in any fashion--

  --stay sharp, keep fit, make good decisions--

                                        --prince tippy--


Sunday, October 2, 2011

--todays sit-rep--

   still penniless, lost my job, living
in my van on the side of the road...
dismal outlook for the moment,
sounds like a country/western song,
with something about "mama", your
"truck", and-or "dog", gone missing...

    i"m taking a break from things today,
at the museum of science and industry
in chicago(my favorite one), i have not
received a single scrap of mail after posting
my address...i think the postal service doesn't
work if it's me(send mail at your own risk, i
doubt i will get it)-- besides, i have no funds to
pay the bill, so mail will not be possible in a few
   i will still be able to get e-mail at the public
library, although....i have yet to get a single e-mail so
far, lets hope i get any that are sent--

--rough weather and hard times, builds a stout man,
(in awhile i will be made of wood)--
                                                      --best wishes--

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

--when the going gets tough--

     the tough get a good way,
in the right direction--
     we all get upset, hurt, and angry...
for how long, and how much, depends on
whom is hurting, and how the hurt
    let emotions flow...feel them fully, and
and let them float away--
   when you let hard feelings go, there's
room for better love, joy, and
                                     --prince tippy--


Saturday, September 10, 2011

--the mail--

    a few thoughts today after i checked
my mailbox--

     through sleet, and rain, gloom, or
dark of night..the mail gets through--

     unless it's mine, far no
mail at all, not at my previous address
(1360 regent st # 321 madison WI
53715), or the current one listed on
this blog( 6666 odana rd # 182 madison,
WI 53719), not even a single e-mail so far at
    anyway, if anyone wants to send me
a letter, or other correspondence, send it via
registered mail( that has a tracking number), so
i will be sure to receive what is sent--

     --(snail-mailers welcome)--

                               --prince tippy--

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

--your place--

 a few thoughts i just had, posted
right now--

 your place,
   where is that, is it a good one,
and are you in it by yourself--
   be it hell, heaven, or just in
between the the time
there is spent seems like the whole
   spend it well...share the parts that
seem like heaven with whom-ever
you can--
--be yourself, love another, keep it real--

                                --prince tippy--



  wrote this very recently, just found
a moment to post it today--

   everything, the main thing, come
hell or high water, through thick and
thin, blood...thicker than water( if the
blood be kindred)--
  stick with your loved ones... and your
friends who are like them( both close, and
well trusted)--
--stay sharp, keep fit, make good decisions--

                                   --prince tippy--


Saturday, August 27, 2011

--the gift--

   something i wrote a few days back
but was unable to post till now--

  great effort made for another,
solely for the purpose of honouring
who they are, and what they mean
to you--
  a ring, a poem, a task...something
  love expressed openly, and in a way
special to the giver, and whom given,
creating good feelings, and a lasting
connection...for all time--

                            --prince tippy--


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

--the martial arts(bushido)--

   something i wrote less than less
than an hour ago--

   snapping clothes, flowing like
water, with both subtle force, and
extreme power--
  wielded with gentle wisdom, and
great honour, little known, yet fully
  --honour, duty, friendship--

                          --prince tippy--


Thursday, August 18, 2011


    still a homeless bum, living in my van,
down to my last three or four dollars,
can't find a job, and bills are piling up,
can't seem to stay clean(from clothes
smelling so bad), on the bright side, i am
enjoying writing and crafts( i have a lot of
free time in my current situation)--
    also, i am experiencing life at the bottom, as
a person whom people apparently feel has no value...
quite an experience, i may be the better for it,
at some point, but not today--(more later)

  "telling it like it is", flat-out... and straight-up--
not for help, but a warriors "lay-of-the land",
so those in your corner know what round you
are fighting, and what punches have landed--
  the current state of affairs must be known,
before improvements can be made, whether
out-loud, or to yourself, the value is there--

--stay sharp, keep fit, make good decisions--

                                         --prince tippy--


Thursday, August 11, 2011

--roughing it--

   something i wrote last night, when
an old adventure came to mind--

   alone with your thoughts, close
quarters in hard times, sometimes
your troubles are not far away, you're
insulated from them, but not by much--
  it's when the best you've got better do,
with luck, some good gear, and a friend...
you get through--
--keep calm...stay warm--
                                         --prince tippy--



  something i wrote last night while in
my favorite coffee shop--

   i once heard a person say "if you
don't have any enemies...make some"--

  sounded strange, but it's half  right,
how you handle someone with bad
feelings about you, actively doing you
harm, builds character, and is a real
learning experience--
   the tree that bends does not break,
but a bent-over tree bears little fruit...
  be patient, until both you, and your
adversary, grow tired of it--
  then, when enemies are dealt with,
the justice will be just...

                            --prince tippy--


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

--hard feelings--

   an off moment last night led me to
these feelings--

    unmet expectations, slighted, unwanted,
or just not over it yet, moving past being treated
badly can take awhile, the best cure is being
treated fairly, quite often--
   whatever person, place, or thing that was a jerk
matters not, knowing with whom not to spend time
is usually worth the expense of a little discomfort--
   seen in the right light, dark times are left behind,
and only the silver lining remains, as a tool wielded
by a stronger person--
   --go down hard, get up quick, make the best of it--

                                               --prince tippy--


--what if--

      a few thoughts i had last night--

   a slip, wrong turn, missed the
boat, that ship has sailed, what if... mostly
hurts, what if, is best replaced with what now--

    now... living in the present, yesterday melts
away when now is both better, and appreciated,
a love lost is rekindled when there is love today...
not based on years past--
    the touch of that one special person is felt for a
moment, waste not these precious seconds on
yesterday, where you have been, who you think you
should be, or hard times filled with bad,
and enjoyment, lie in letting the past go, and now happen,
   feel joy...savour now, live well--

                                       --best wishes, prince tippy--


--peas and carrots--

    something i wrote last night at one
of my favorite coffee spots--

    some of the foods in the basket
go good together, one thing that compliments
the other, very well, and very often--
    two things that are good together, making
one thing that is great, for all time...peas and
carrots, a legendary pair, that have no equals
in the cookbook of history...they were made
for each other--
                                  --prince tippy--


Sunday, August 7, 2011

--people watching--

   something i was thinking today while
i was sipping coffee--

    we are all used to the rich and
famous having fans, i have a unique
habit of becoming fans of everyday
   all of them are totally unaware of
said admiration, but it would be awkward
if they were... being the secret fan-base of
someone who rings up your order, or takes
your money, when you pay for gas, is a special
joy i call my own--
  a lot of people don't see what's great about
them, because they don't see themselves like the
rest of us(or the person's obviously good qualities
escape everyone but me), watching someone, and
really listening, brings sights, and sounds, that inspire
the mind, and move the soul--
    it's about loving someone, not for what they can
give you, but for who they are, and how that makes
you feel--
                                                  --prince tippy--


Saturday, August 6, 2011

--the jinga--

   noticed a person just before close
at work last night, that i sensed might
be a capoeta practitioner,
this led me to these thoughts about this style,
and those who pursue this type of excellence--

    the heart of capoeta beats strongly
in brazil...the jinga goes forever--


Saturday, July 30, 2011


   a cool word i hear ladies use sometimes,
"best-friend" is how i describe the situation,
but, "besties" rolls off the tongue really well--

   a modern term, for someone who's
"got your back", even when you look
   everybody else may walk away, but
this person's shadow will always be
keeping the sun, and every other of gods
creations, off your back, and you out of
harm's way(as best they can)--
   being that person for someone else is
serious business...and one of my favorite
things to do in this world--

-- lately i am less able, but i'm working the
                                --prince tippy--


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

--secret admirers--

    a few things that made me
laugh to myself last night--

     a quick "ladies love-interest spotters
    if there is no drool present(sometimes
it runs out), a man head-over-heels for
you, or another girl standing right behind you,
will actually listen, to what you are saying,
while staring at your body--
   he cares if you have a sniffle, aren't
dressed for the weather, seem upset,
takes up hobbies, or interests you have,
generally is not a jerk, smiles like he
thinks it's free...(he's right), and he likes
    anyway, that's all the "man-sense" i can
divulge without having to kill anybody--
(this message will self-destruct in five seconds)

                          --special agent cupid--    :o)


--love story--

 something i was thinking yesterday--

a love story...
    it could be yours, so many
stories, one for each couple--
   make yours a true love story
(i am anyway), that means the
right one might not seem right to
your friends, your parents, or the
whole "bleeping" world...but right
for you, in your heart-of-hearts, is
the best choice--
  so many settle, or have to "press-on"
after missing the right one, fate can be
both cruel, and bold, and
with-hold no love from your heart's
desire, no matter what anyone else thinks--

                              --prince tippy--


Monday, July 25, 2011


   something i was thinking this

   reaffirming your beliefs
among friends who feel the
  the custom is very personal
for each christian...for those of
other faiths, or none at all, a
gathering of like-minds, symbolically
showing agreement, with the principals
of the group, is(i hope), understood
and respected--
  communion happens between you
and god, none other are in-between,
the church provides the bread, and
the wine, in a place among friends--

   --best wishes, and god bless--

                              --prince tippy--



   a few words about my love for
things both small, and often under-
estimated(but not by me)-- 

    noble pieces, at the front
line, fully in the fray--
    i always cherish the little
pieces, as well as the big,
each pawn can be queen, if
the fate of the fight makes it so--
   yes, they move slowly...but
deliberately, and give all in trade,
for the one they make war--
  the value of a piece able to
change the game in a single move,
is beyond measure--
  so often, great things come in small
packages...move slowly, choose wisely--

                           --prince tippy--



   something i wrote sipping
coffee on saturday--

   some say an action with no
intention is an empty motion,
poetry...with real wisdom--

  your intention(what you had
in mind), is so very important, be
it giving gifts, doing a favor, or
just lending a hand, the good
intentions are the real gift--
  give good intentions freely,
weigh carefully the decision to
share the ones that are not--
  it's not where we go that shapes
us, it's how we get there--

     --go in a good way--

                        --prince tippy--


Saturday, July 23, 2011

--food for thought--

   a thought i just had--

  i may(at some point), put
my posts into hardcover form,
i think they might make a cool
book of foolishness--
  i'm calling it "food for thought",
the cover will be "prince tippy's
pizza company"(of course)...  :o)

                      --best wishes--


--shaken, but not stirred--

    a cool description, but it's
about more than what mr bond

   valour amongst stressful situations,
quick thinking, yet choosing wisely,
making it look easy, when those
with experience know they are not...
  wielding what powers are present
within, gently, while being both soft,
and well spoken, with heavy hands
that change history, to suit the will of
the mind that moves them--
  a man's man, who is a class act...
(a hero admired by men, loved by women)
a standard of man, i try to reach...
(as best i can)--
                                   --prince tippy--


--soul mate--

 something i wrote last night when
a friend came to mind--

 your soul-mate,
   just the right person, that makes
everything better--
   the days are brighter when this
person is present, joy...just add
him or her, and it's had--
  a human tuning fork, that moves you
at the core(when they're close by),
two ships from the same harbor, sailing
best side-by-side, catching the same
wind, sharing a course leading to
happy times, and fond memories--

                       --prince tippy--



   wrote this last night while sipping,
coffee in a local restaurant--

   taking a break from it all,
in grim surroundings...
no umbrellas in your mia-ti,
making due with what you've
got, when what you have happens
to be a tad less than your worst
   the silver lining of "A-O-C", is there
is still an "A" on the "C", forget where
you fell...remember when you got back
up, the greats keep going, that's how
we roll--
                           --ooh rah--


Thursday, July 21, 2011


   i am looking for work again
today, i'm living in my car, penniless,
for the third year in a row...but i'm not
out of self respect(i just don't micro-
manage well)--       :o)

  finding the right place, as a
breadwinner, to win the bread,
is an issue for all--
  where we choose to work, and
what tasks we perform, have deep
meaning, and profound influence, for
the lives we they sparse, or
overly abundant--
  working for a fool, is a fool's errand,
a good employer enhances the life of
both his customers, and the hired help,
your "boss"(seen correctly), is most
certainly another breadwinner, same as
you or i...
  so, win the bread, somewhere you
are respected, at an honest rate--

--suffer no fools, in the office or the
                           --prince tippy--


Friday, July 15, 2011

--something special--

   a few thoughts that came to me
yesterday...dealt with today--

    something special, describes a
thing, person, or place, in good standing
with you, me, society as a whole--
    a good thing used wrong, lacks
special qualities, to me...
     take care of a special thing,
and use it in an honourable way, so
it remains special in all our eyes--

--a fool and all things are soon parted--

                             --prince tippy--


Thursday, July 14, 2011


  i was just think'in, if i had a
wish granted for my blog, it would
be to have robert duvall (rd) narrate, 
so it might be easy for the blind
to enjoy--

   so far, no followers, no money...
anyway, he would do the piece justice i
think...i might like morgan freeman(mf)
to narrate a few as well, or perhaps
jean reno(reno)--

  will that happen, probably not,
but when you play ball, and you're at bat,
     --"swing for the fences"--

( i labeled the posts (mf) for morgan freeman,
(rd) for robert duvall, and (reno) for jean reno,
in case they decide to narrate for the blind
on this blog)--
                                    --prince tippy--



   my thoughts after watching the
latest presentation--

     another member of an exclusive
club, who's entry fee is both high, and
hard won--
     a long war on terror, with two men,
still living, who's shoulders bear our highest
    all have fought bravely, two wear the
pendant, honouring all who have served--

                                  --ooh rah--


--the clapper--

   wrote this yesterday, still relevant
today(reader dependent)...     :o)

    a funny phrase, and two claps, is
all it takes to dominate the living room
from the couch--
    the master of all things, for less than
a king's ransom, so easy a child could,
and routinely does, do it--
   if only other of life's challenges might
be overcome so easily...sadly, no, turning
off the lights, and becoming "CEO", have
vastly different skill levels needed to achieve
the desired results--
  --what comes easily, often goes quickly--

                                   --prince tippy--


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


     wrote this in the park yesterday
as well--

    a description for fruit, folks, or
situations, that describes something
seasoned, just the right amount, or
something ready to become what it
was destined to be--
    women in this stage of life, stir a
man in a special way, feelings of home,
and happy times, children not yet born,
or that he has--
    whether the lady is his wife or not, a
respect , and warmth, is felt(in most men)...
all of the time--
    ( turquoise and purple ladies)

                                --prince tippy--


--wanting eyes--

   something i wrote yesterday in
the park--

     if a man's lucky, things go
just right, and he's paying attention
when it happens(usually he isn't), he
might see something magical, few men
ever notice--
    a woman, when she realizes she
loves a man, wants his children, the
whole thing, you're the "total package",
will look at you, with wide eyes, and a
stillness to her face, she loves you...
   and she's wondering (how did that happen),
but she doesn't think it's a mistake--
   a special moment...listen to your lady,
look her in the eyes, often, so you won't
miss it--         
                                 --prince tippy--


--evelyn's 5 min gluten-free meals--

     the picture above is of the
cover, and beneath that, is a link to a site to
evelyn's blog(where you can print-out recipes)--
    afterward, slide the printed page into a clear
plastic page holder, that are sold at hobby-shops,
and "build-your-own" cookbook...
    buying one at the bookstore is ok, but
i always get extra recipes for food i
would rather not prepare(when i buy a pre-made
cookbook at the store)--

   the link above, on the right, is to a site where i made
evelyn's you can purchase one of your
own(if anyone would like one)--
                                                                                                                                         i am writing a this cookbook for
a friend, that moved me deeply,
each meal is prepared for her
tummy alone...   :o)
(if you see a recipe you like, for a tummy
you are looking after, press the "ctrl"
and "p" keys at the same time on your
keyboard to print a copy)--

   so far, not much progress...
 --(stay tuned for recipes)--

  p.s.-- this is man-cooking,
so nothing fancy, lots of pre-made
   i might start with burnt gluten-free
something-or-another, and work
towards undercooked, till i get it right--
(taste testers with strong stomachs
 are welcome)
                                 --best wishes--


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

--catch 22--

 my thoughts a few moments ago--

    a clever way to describe
someone in a situation(that is
not favorable), no matter what
course of action is chosen--
   today, i only hear it used to
describe something some clever
person has manufactured(for another
person to endure)--
   what glory, and honour, is present
from such pursuits, is neither obvious,
or desirable to comprehend...

                            --prince tippy--


--point blank range--

   something i wrote this morning,
at my favorite coffee spot--

    danger close, in your face, right
here, right now--
   such is the way of living in the present...
dealing with what's right in front of you,
no yesterday, no tomorrow, it's about
   what minute are you spending right well is it being spent, spoiling
the now with yesterday, seems foolhardy--
  but we do, all the time...
   --enjoy the now, right now--
                             --best wishes--



   something i wrote in the park

     long hair, rock'in body, a deep gaze
from sexy eyes, my favorite style of
tough/smart/small package, gets me every
    and her sound is sooo cool, i'm a huge fan,
( i've always had a soft spot for the tough girls)--

:o)   --girls, guns, problem solving--  :o)


Monday, July 11, 2011

--power grab--

     a good description of someone
doing the wrong thing, exceptionally
    i prefer to accept what's earned,
through honourable means...but
this term describes another process
    the question seems to be, what is
most important, what you have, or
how you attained it--
   i feel it's the latter...

                         --prince tippy--


--good writing--

     good writing, it isn't so much
the writer, as it's the circumstances--

    the cartoon coyote who's always chasing
that silly bird had a novel in him for sure...  
so many boulders, and long falls, a "tear-jerker"
in the making(hemingway with fur i imagine)--
   anyway...listen, observe, both yourself,
and others--
   "the pen, is mightier than the sword",
only when wielded by a sharp mind, and
a good listener--
                                --prince tippy--


--in coming--

    something i was thinking a
moment ago--

    bad news, scream'in in, a good time to deploy
the "grab-ass-hope-for-the-best procedure",
whether you are stateside, or on a tour, enlisted
personnel, or no, it's the same drill...keep your head,
stay cool, never, ever, panic--
  hysteria produces poor results, with frightening
                                        --ooh rah--


--don't sweat the small stuff--

      i wrote this a few days back,
but couldn't post it(as the library
was closed)--

the small stuff...
    everything, is small stuff...
dropping the ball is bad, not picking
it up is the real failure--
   "when the going gets tough...
the tough get going", or at least
moving again--
   how we handle what goes south, 
is what makes us great--
   so, live and learn, be a student of life,
and remember, "it's the first duty of each
student, to survive the lesson"--

                                  --best wishes--



       had a tire blow while i was filling the
silly thing with air today...i wasn't using a tire gauge--
(always use one that is calibrated, and has a
"cert" from the good chaps in london...)

  a very sudden deflation of
possibilities, that must be overcome
   a test of a person's resources, and
resourcefulness... if only all life's
difficulties were as simple as "lefty-
loosey, righty-tighty"--
   there is a certain joy, in finding
solutions to the problems that come
to bear throughout the day, both my
own, and others(finding the answer for
a friend, brings a happiness i can only
begin to describe)--        :o)
    so, enjoy your flat tire...revel, in the
triumph of replacing anothers...

                               --best wishes--


Friday, July 8, 2011

--hard luck--

     wrote this while enjoying a
coffee, at my favorite spot here
in town( i love those ladies of the
coffee bean)--

   the school of hard knocks,
learning the hard way, tough luck,
so many ways to describe things
not going well--
    be that as it may, on the bright
side, things are still, indeed, going...
    onward, to even greater heights
of despair, or, most likely, happier
   some of the joy of the trip, is the
bumps in the road...
       --go in a good way--

                          --prince tippy--


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

--the shot heard around the world--

     something i wrote yesterday--

   another fourth of july...
family, fun, freedom, the american
   we do it different, our own style of
living, a culture that welcomes new
things, and defends the freedom
to try them--  
   a special place, with creative people,
where real change can happen--

                                 --prince tippy--



    i wrote this the other day while
enjoying some coffee, at one of
my favorite spots--
trouble...not only brewing, but
boiling over--
   the silver lining while putting
down such rebellion, is the hands-on
experience of sending a few
problems off the plank--
  "swab the deck, or feed the sharks",
is often life's reality...but what is life,
without some adversity--
   --the plank stays, the mutineers go,
the older the ship, the smoother the plank--
(the captain may be important, but our nations
values are at the helm, our beliefs set the course...
the plank has no love for anyone, sailing the
ship, or swabbing the deck)--

  --(a happy independence day to all)--

                                           --ooh rah--



Friday, July 1, 2011

--it's good to be king--

     all dialed in, here's what's up--

    coming of age, a man sailing heavy it a raft, or a yacht, matters
    a master of his own destiny(and a few
others), carefully chosen...fully trusted--
         --ship, captain, crew--
(over the ocean, or to the bottom)


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

--the ladies armory--

   --the logo above can be enlarged(by
clicking on it), and printed, by pressing
the "ctrl" and "p" keys(on your computers
keyboard), at the same time--
   i printed one, cut it out, and taped it to
the right upper corner of my van's front
windshield...i think it would make a cool
patch for my jacket(still working on that)--
 --looks nice, not for resale  :o)   --

  starting a new company that makes
products, tools, and life, better for
women in the military-- have lots
of ideas already worked out, still
looking for women to work with...
 :o)    i think i know a few who
are juust right for the job...<<wink>>
our slogan is--

  "guns, girls...problem solving"

                   --best wishes to all--


Saturday, June 25, 2011

--going the distance--

     wrote this last night, posting it today
to honour someone special--

    to dumb to know when to quit, and
to stubborn to throw in the towel, all in, 
all the way, committed...fully, in every
    be it for love, or country, or both,
whatever the reason, the person is
getting there, and having is
not an issue-
     --the will finds the way,
                        when the hearts all in--

                           --prince tippy--


Friday, June 24, 2011

--picking up the pieces--

      something i was thinking about

    a bad moment, rough luck, good
things gone bad...shattered, it happens,
we may not like it, but that's fate, destiny,
or something else entirely--
   how we handle picking up the pieces
and what we choose to do with what's
left, is the whole deal--
   healing often happens when a new
purpose is found, something mended is
something me--

                            --best wishes--


Thursday, June 16, 2011

--de'ja' vu--

     my thoughts this morning over
breakfast, my food stayed down, the 
past didn't--

   sometimes a special person comes
along and reaches you deeply, like none
   someone who connects with you
like that, is around many corners, in the
people we meet, and some of the situations
we encounter, not far from our minds, though
they may not be near in person--
   feelings from the heart, reach the head at
odd times, and in strange ways...feels like,
                        --fries and coffee--


Monday, June 6, 2011

--mending benches--

   every so often on our campus,
someone tips one of our special
stone benches of higher learning--
   i take a certain joy in righting a young arnold
schwarzenegger between classes--
   what is learning, without some
                       --best wishes--


--crapping out--

     this is something that came
to mind yesterday, after a walk--

    the dice, we all roll them, the
outcome can be joy, or hard times,
a miracle, or tragedy, going for it is
just like that--
    yes, it's true you can't lose what
you don't put in the middle, but great
men know it's not what's in the middle
of the table that's about
going for it--
                           --carpe diem--


Friday, June 3, 2011

--the right thing done wrong--

   i happened upon something on the
side of the road in town today, that
made me pull over--
   sometimes you've got to stop, check
your head, and reflect...

   they had a stone for every person
lost so far during the war on terror...
no names, not one--
   how do you forget something like
that?...i can not--
                           --best wishes--

Monday, May 23, 2011

--love struck--

   i was thinking about things in a
quiet place today, and this came to mind--

     when someone really reaches you,
gets you, and still wants you, above all has struck--
    a happy blow, that heals wounds,
instead of creating them, a bolt of joy,
that runs deep...and lasts forever--

                             --love john--


--prayer request--

    last sundays prayer request, and
question for the pastor--

   prayer request--
please say a prayer for my neighbors,
as they see me in a way i do not, when
i'm away from the mirror each day--

                     --best wishes to all--

why... all the time, everyday, sometimes
answered, sometimes not, the only
question...for all time--

                                    --prince tippy--



Saturday, April 2, 2011

--in the end--

   wrote this after i paid my
tab...(no kidding)

   the sum,
the grand total, happily ever
   touchdown, small-town
hero makes good... it's the right
ending for a hero in a bad
   it's not what happens, all too often,
making us cheer that much louder
when it does--
 --here's to making it...ooh-rah--

                               --best wishes--


Friday, April 1, 2011

--getting checked out--

    i was in a bar finding the
bottom of a few drinks, when
this came to me--

getting "checked out"...
   an eerie feeling, like in a
scary movie, totally unaware
of your situation, until you
get the sinking feeling your
"man-candy", in a room full
of sweet-tooths...a modest mans
total panic situation--
  man up, and go down smiling,
most girls are gentle...   :o)

                    --prince tippy--


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

--the lead climber must not fall--

    i was getting myself squared away
this morning, and an old adventure came
to mind, kind of a saab story...

the north face,
    i reached the top, paused
 for a moment, and repelled down,
tethered to a friend(i wouldn't
know how tightly for many years)--
   those that climb this way aren't
conquering a mountain, or a fear
of falling, but over-coming trust
issues, and a fear of close connections--
   yes, these climbers sometimes fall,
not one, but two...together, or not at all--

--good hands, good heart, much love--

                                --best wishes--


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


   mon cher,
j'ai offert ma vie 'a la le'gion,
mais ils ne l'auraient pas--
  sur le train je vous ai donne'
mon coeur, mais le destin ne
l'auraiat pas non plus...
  votre gentillesse et baisers
au revoir sont toujours sur
mes joues quelquefois--
  nous aurons toujours paris--



Monday, March 7, 2011


   i wrote this the other day--
its kinda mushy(even for me),
but i think it's cool--

  when the right women meets
the right man, nothing can
keep them apart, nothing,
they were "meant to be",
and so they shall wed--

            --best wishes to all--


--some nugs of wisdom--

learn to love yourself--
study other people--
earn trust--
spend it wisely--
fall in love--
raise the bar--
make a difference--
be yourself--

            --prince tippy--


--a nod to the north woods--

  i noticed a canadian flag
today while I was walking,
i paused to reflect on our
good neighbors for a moment,
and these were my thoughts--

(home of the maple leaf)--
    maple, (very fitting indeed),
a leaf from the hard-wood, with
the sweet center, that thrives in
harsh weather...truly a hearty
tree, in a hearty land--

                --best wishes a--


Sunday, February 27, 2011

--coming up short--

   wrote this today at the mall,
here's what i was thinking just
a moment before i made a new

   sometimes despite our best
efforts, what we want more than
anything is out of reach, lost, or,
doesn't want us--
   how we come to terms with
this hard truth, can determine
our future a great deal--
   lonesome bitterness, or
peaceful solitude...grim choices for
the heart, the road to bitterness
is paved with "what if's", and
"why not's", the other way is
seeing with wise eyes, the
good times had, and the good
feelings remembered--

                   --best wishes--

   p.s. what i just wrote is easier
to read than to put into practice--
(but i'm workin on it)

                        --prince tippy--



Saturday, February 19, 2011


     this came to mind yesterday,
just before work-- when i really
needed it...

    waiting...the noble act of being
patient to the point of bursting,
of wanting, with the deepest sincerity,
and yet humble enough, to wait...for
just the right moment--
  showing respect for what's desired,
love for what's wanted, and patience,
within the soul--
  making the moment we receive
what's worth waiting for, truly
                      --prince tippy--


Saturday, February 12, 2011

--coin-op laundry wisdom--

   an epiphany, between loads...
(i think it was the rinse cycle)--

   for all the romeos this holiday--
how we ask for something, is usually
more important than what we are
asking for--
                       -- best wishes--

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

--the world as we know it--

    i pieced this together today(over
coffee), from two letters i wrote many
years ago to my pastor...probably 

    your values, what are they?, where
did they come from?, some learned, some
due to experience, hardships, happy times,
or faith--
    experience(life's hard lessons), they
seem to really shape us...all too often, it's
what, or whom, we think has harmed us,
or our loved ones, and how, that brings
us to where we are today--
    the hardships...needn't happen to our
neighbors, unless we let them--
     my grandparents would say, "we are
as safe as the tragedies we let fall on
our neighbors", or, "turning a blind eye
to everything means no-one will see what
happens to you some day", they were
part of the "greatest generation", a group
filled to the brim, with wisdom of all kinds--
     so, when to act on an injustice, and
what to do about it, is often in the hands of
the heart, or the heavens...
     yes, there is a fine line between being a
hero, and a jerk--
    sometimes, no right answer is possible,
but something must be done--
   life isn't lived as fully from the sidelines, these
days when there's trouble, people come running(mostly
to watch, take pictures, or gather artifacts to sell on ebay),
but not to get involved--
    today, most people say "i'm glad it's not me",
when they see something bad happen...seems to
be the unofficial mantra of the last few generations...
not cool--
   it's great to make a buck, but i prefer it be in an
honourable way--
   capitalism, and morality, are not one road, but
two, and it's at these crossroads, where they meet,
that we are at our best...
   freedom, without morality, is a type of hell to
be avoided--
   make a difference, follow your heart, be yourself...
go in a good way(change the world)--

                                        --best wishes to all--


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


   sometimes you just know...

   commitment, a forsaking of
all other options, for the one
thing, way, or person, that must
be had--
   not from lust, greed, or envy,
but the soul...knowing when the
perfect person, path, or way, is
right in front of us--
    not a choice, but a natural
reaction to fate, no regrets...

                    --prince tippy--


Sunday, January 23, 2011


     i wrote this over a good cup
of coffee, in a very comfy shop
in my town, i was inspired by a
quote from a good book(on 
their message board)--

   nerves of steel, heart of gold--
the rarest combination of
humanity, unlocking the best
in everyone that person has
touched, loved, or known...
  breathing new life where
there is loss, and new hopes
where there was none--
  be that person for somebody,
as best you can--
                     --best wishes--


Saturday, January 22, 2011


      i was watching television one time, 
and saw something that still hits a nerve
whenever i think of it, here's what was on--

   it was a talk show, i forget who's, but
they had this servicemen on stage, with his
wife belittling him, for having trouble
readjusting to life without a war... she said
all he did was cry all the time, couldn't hold
a job, wasn't a man, merely a big child(no
wonder elvis shot his tvs sometimes)--

     i don't yell normally, and almost never
at inanimate objects, but i wanted too that
 day...if you ever do see a servicemen crying,
that's good means society has got
something left to work with, it means he's
not all used up inside, and maybe, one day
he could be more than a trained killer, which,
despite his wife, and the audiences, amateur
opinions, is exactly what he is--

      it means if he had to tear your head off
for his country, in the line of duty, he might
feel something, on some level, someday...

  --hell slips away, but not on anybody's got to wait for a soldier
to come home(awhile after he's back)--

                            --best wishes to all--


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


   this time of year, a man thinks about
the special women in his life, the ones
that got away, and the one that made
it all better--

   people say, "you never know what
you've got till it's gone", maybe...cause
you never know how much you have
inside, till it dies--
    and for some(those that knew what
they had before it was lost)...emptiness,
going through the motions of being alive
without caring... it's a spell rarely broken,
but sometimes, that one special person,
breaks through, taking you to a place
where there's life, love, and happiness,



    valentine's-day got me thinking,
about love, marriage, and its many
traditions... here are some of my

     i have watched a few movies,
 and heard tales of runaway brides,
or groom no-show
occurred to me last night, this may
be due to the loss of some ancient
traditions, that still linger today, in
small ways--
     some of this is guess-work on
my part, but i think i'm on to something...

   first off, the brides-maids were not
merely good-looking friends of the bride,
in the old days, before the availability of
toothbrushes, hair extensions, plastic surgery,
and what-have-you, a good-looking spouse
was a hard thing to find... let alone, a cutie
with a good job--
     so, if a lady was in love, and to be wed,
it was the duty of the brides maids(and her
family), to watch the groom, the cake, and
all other aspects of her big nary a
glitch was to be had--
     you see, back then(and maybe today),
another jealous person, might place a burr
in the horses saddle, or loosen the wheel on
the carriage, or rub a toad on his face the
night before--
     although the bride and groom weren't
to see each other(prior to the wedding), the
brides-maids didn't take their eyes off him,
the whole day... i imagine the level of sophistication
those ladies had put the secret service to
shame, even a hundred years ago--
   the grooms-men had a similar job, to watch
the bride, and thwart trickery, or mishaps, of
any kind(because there might be some)...
 the custom of the father walking his girl down the
aisle, is to be sure she gets there(and to the
right man)...
   and the grooms "best man", wasn't exactly
his "best friend", he was his "scariest friend",
he defended the occasion, and upon the preacher
asking for any objections, he looked around the
room, to see if there was, and helped that man
find his seat(or the front door...if needed), he guarded
the wedding-night after the ceremony as well, to
make sure the deal "got sealed", without interruption--
   so, if your future spouse didn't make it to the wedding,
you should sit back, and let the fact soak in,
that you don't have any close friends(and neither
does the person you are trying to marry)--

    if a woman decided to elope, her lady-friends
got involved, got the best horse, checked the saddle,
packed her things, and found her man--
     all that aside, at the wedding, even if everybody
showed-up, a brave lady had the right, to speak her
peace, uninterrupted, when the preacher asked(sometimes
resulting in a wedding disaster)--
    that's why it's a miracle, anyone, ever successfully gets 
married, falls in love, or even dates(in the present day), if
your one-true-love is amazing...somebody else may have
noticed too, game on--
       --cupids got too many arrows sometimes--
  ( it's best not to be jealous, but wise to be aware...
to trust...and be trusted, is the only way)--

     anyway, for all those lovers getting married over the
                  -- congrats, and best wishes--


Monday, January 10, 2011

--valentine's day--

    i was talking to someone about our
next upcoming holiday the other night,
and here are my thoughts about it today--

   --valentine's day--

   kind of a neat holiday if you ask me,
it's one from way, way, back...steeped in
tradition, romance, love, and affection--
  a day to reveal affections unnoticed, or
to reaffirm old ones, still going strong...
   people typically send cards, candy, or
flowers(for good reason)--
  because i think sending a women flowers,
in the days of yore, meant something, it
does not today--
   a gentlemen gave a woman flowers
to let her know he had solved a problem
for her, vanquished an enemy, dragon, or
released her from an ivory tower--
    it meant he was looking out for her
interests, i believe it was known as a favour,
if she accepted, she accepted his protection,
and his courtship--
    women did not give flowers to men, but
sometimes placed them in their hair, perhaps
to let the gentlemen know she might accept a
flower from him, or maybe to publicly display
she had received one from the gentlemen
accompanying her--
   also, the color of the flower was of a certain
meaning, white(for friendship), yellow or pink(for
a love interest), and red was for lovers--
  candy, candle-light dinners, love letters, poems,
and other fine treats, were usually made by the
giver...very romantic--
     the modern technique, of putting it all on the
charge card, just doesn't seem as sweet a gesture,
to me...
    so, what happened to change these traditions
i wonder(could it be more than the dragon/ivory-tower
deficit)??, or have we changed culturally this much?
     i really miss the little meanings, of the flowers,
candy, and so forth, it made things so much more fun...
   would you give a white flower, or another color?, a
poem, or dinner for two?... anything could happen--
    anyway, i wish everybody the best of luck,
capturing that special persons attention, and to the
lovers...a glorious celebration, of what you already
                         --a happy valentine's day to all--
