Tuesday, January 25, 2011


   sometimes you just know...

   commitment, a forsaking of
all other options, for the one
thing, way, or person, that must
be had--
   not from lust, greed, or envy,
but the soul...knowing when the
perfect person, path, or way, is
right in front of us--
    not a choice, but a natural
reaction to fate, no regrets...

                    --prince tippy--


Sunday, January 23, 2011


     i wrote this over a good cup
of coffee, in a very comfy shop
in my town, i was inspired by a
quote from a good book(on 
their message board)--

   nerves of steel, heart of gold--
the rarest combination of
humanity, unlocking the best
in everyone that person has
touched, loved, or known...
  breathing new life where
there is loss, and new hopes
where there was none--
  be that person for somebody,
as best you can--
                     --best wishes--


Saturday, January 22, 2011


      i was watching television one time, 
and saw something that still hits a nerve
whenever i think of it, here's what was on--

   it was a talk show, i forget who's, but
they had this servicemen on stage, with his
wife belittling him, for having trouble
readjusting to life without a war... she said
all he did was cry all the time, couldn't hold
a job, wasn't a man, merely a big child(no
wonder elvis shot his tvs sometimes)--

     i don't yell normally, and almost never
at inanimate objects, but i wanted too that
 day...if you ever do see a servicemen crying,
that's good news...it means society has got
something left to work with, it means he's
not all used up inside, and maybe, one day
he could be more than a trained killer, which,
despite his wife, and the audiences, amateur
opinions, is exactly what he is--

      it means if he had to tear your head off
for his country, in the line of duty, he might
feel something, on some level, someday...

  --hell slips away, but not on anybody's
time-table...you got to wait for a soldier
to come home(awhile after he's back)--

                            --best wishes to all--


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


   this time of year, a man thinks about
the special women in his life, the ones
that got away, and the one that made
it all better--

   people say, "you never know what
you've got till it's gone", maybe...cause
you never know how much you have
inside, till it dies--
    and for some(those that knew what
they had before it was lost)...emptiness,
going through the motions of being alive
without caring... it's a spell rarely broken,
but sometimes, that one special person,
breaks through, taking you to a place
where there's life, love, and happiness,



    valentine's-day got me thinking,
about love, marriage, and its many
traditions... here are some of my

     i have watched a few movies,
 and heard tales of runaway brides,
or groom no-show nightmares...it
occurred to me last night, this may
be due to the loss of some ancient
traditions, that still linger today, in
small ways--
     some of this is guess-work on
my part, but i think i'm on to something...

   first off, the brides-maids were not
merely good-looking friends of the bride,
in the old days, before the availability of
toothbrushes, hair extensions, plastic surgery,
and what-have-you, a good-looking spouse
was a hard thing to find... let alone, a cutie
with a good job--
     so, if a lady was in love, and to be wed,
it was the duty of the brides maids(and her
family), to watch the groom, the cake, and
all other aspects of her big day...so nary a
glitch was to be had--
     you see, back then(and maybe today),
another jealous person, might place a burr
in the horses saddle, or loosen the wheel on
the carriage, or rub a toad on his face the
night before--
     although the bride and groom weren't
to see each other(prior to the wedding), the
brides-maids didn't take their eyes off him,
the whole day... i imagine the level of sophistication
those ladies had put the secret service to
shame, even a hundred years ago--
   the grooms-men had a similar job, to watch
the bride, and thwart trickery, or mishaps, of
any kind(because there might be some)...
 the custom of the father walking his girl down the
aisle, is to be sure she gets there(and to the
right man)...
   and the grooms "best man", wasn't exactly
his "best friend", he was his "scariest friend",
he defended the occasion, and upon the preacher
asking for any objections, he looked around the
room, to see if there was, and helped that man
find his seat(or the front door...if needed), he guarded
the wedding-night after the ceremony as well, to
make sure the deal "got sealed", without interruption--
   so, if your future spouse didn't make it to the wedding,
you should sit back, and let the fact soak in,
that you don't have any close friends(and neither
does the person you are trying to marry)--

    if a woman decided to elope, her lady-friends
got involved, got the best horse, checked the saddle,
packed her things, and found her man--
     all that aside, at the wedding, even if everybody
showed-up, a brave lady had the right, to speak her
peace, uninterrupted, when the preacher asked(sometimes
resulting in a wedding disaster)--
    that's why it's a miracle, anyone, ever successfully gets 
married, falls in love, or even dates(in the present day), if
your one-true-love is amazing...somebody else may have
noticed too, game on--
       --cupids got too many arrows sometimes--
  ( it's best not to be jealous, but wise to be aware...
to trust...and be trusted, is the only way)--

     anyway, for all those lovers getting married over the
                  -- congrats, and best wishes--


Monday, January 10, 2011

--valentine's day--

    i was talking to someone about our
next upcoming holiday the other night,
and here are my thoughts about it today--

   --valentine's day--

   kind of a neat holiday if you ask me,
it's one from way, way, back...steeped in
tradition, romance, love, and affection--
  a day to reveal affections unnoticed, or
to reaffirm old ones, still going strong...
   people typically send cards, candy, or
flowers(for good reason)--
  because i think sending a women flowers,
in the days of yore, meant something, it
does not today--
   a gentlemen gave a woman flowers
to let her know he had solved a problem
for her, vanquished an enemy, dragon, or
released her from an ivory tower--
    it meant he was looking out for her
interests, i believe it was known as a favour,
if she accepted, she accepted his protection,
and his courtship--
    women did not give flowers to men, but
sometimes placed them in their hair, perhaps
to let the gentlemen know she might accept a
flower from him, or maybe to publicly display
she had received one from the gentlemen
accompanying her--
   also, the color of the flower was of a certain
meaning, white(for friendship), yellow or pink(for
a love interest), and red was for lovers--
  candy, candle-light dinners, love letters, poems,
and other fine treats, were usually made by the
giver...very romantic--
     the modern technique, of putting it all on the
charge card, just doesn't seem as sweet a gesture,
to me...
    so, what happened to change these traditions
i wonder(could it be more than the dragon/ivory-tower
deficit)??, or have we changed culturally this much?
     i really miss the little meanings, of the flowers,
candy, and so forth, it made things so much more fun...
   would you give a white flower, or another color?, a
poem, or dinner for two?... anything could happen--
    anyway, i wish everybody the best of luck,
capturing that special persons attention, and to the
lovers...a glorious celebration, of what you already
                         --a happy valentine's day to all--


Saturday, January 8, 2011

--the high life--

   i was getting to know a new
place the other night, which resulted
in some great conversation, and a
hi-spirited "doodle-off"(i emerged
victorious), after my win,
i wrote this--

           --(the high life)--

    the beer flows smoothly, the
bar-tender listens truly, at the bottom
of the glass, things seem better...
till morning...two aspirin and a shower,
and it's all good--


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


   this mornings thoughts while i was

     i haven't seen or heard from wilty's
keeper in a month, all of my calls and
messages go unanswered--
   i shouldn't be surprised, clearly this
plant has the devils-own-charms, and
she was powerless to resist them...
    to be honest, she's really something
herself(this girl could charm the spray-
bottle off of anybody)--
   so, here i sit...no plant...no friend...no
spray-bottle...the only consolation i have,
is i think they are all in the same place--
   anyway, if anybody reads this, and
knows the where-abouts of wilty's keeper,
my plant, and/or spray-bottle, tell her i
miss all three very much--

                            --best wishes to all--
