Wednesday, March 23, 2011

--the lead climber must not fall--

    i was getting myself squared away
this morning, and an old adventure came
to mind, kind of a saab story...

the north face,
    i reached the top, paused
 for a moment, and repelled down,
tethered to a friend(i wouldn't
know how tightly for many years)--
   those that climb this way aren't
conquering a mountain, or a fear
of falling, but over-coming trust
issues, and a fear of close connections--
   yes, these climbers sometimes fall,
not one, but two...together, or not at all--

--good hands, good heart, much love--

                                --best wishes--


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


   mon cher,
j'ai offert ma vie 'a la le'gion,
mais ils ne l'auraient pas--
  sur le train je vous ai donne'
mon coeur, mais le destin ne
l'auraiat pas non plus...
  votre gentillesse et baisers
au revoir sont toujours sur
mes joues quelquefois--
  nous aurons toujours paris--



Monday, March 7, 2011


   i wrote this the other day--
its kinda mushy(even for me),
but i think it's cool--

  when the right women meets
the right man, nothing can
keep them apart, nothing,
they were "meant to be",
and so they shall wed--

            --best wishes to all--


--some nugs of wisdom--

learn to love yourself--
study other people--
earn trust--
spend it wisely--
fall in love--
raise the bar--
make a difference--
be yourself--

            --prince tippy--


--a nod to the north woods--

  i noticed a canadian flag
today while I was walking,
i paused to reflect on our
good neighbors for a moment,
and these were my thoughts--

(home of the maple leaf)--
    maple, (very fitting indeed),
a leaf from the hard-wood, with
the sweet center, that thrives in
harsh weather...truly a hearty
tree, in a hearty land--

                --best wishes a--
