Monday, September 20, 2010

--why we serve--

                                                                                                                                         this is the card i sent(with the note to
the museum), after my visit--

 --why we serve--

    as you walk around in here, the weapons and other
instruments of war are interesting to look at, but, along-side
all that stuff, are the warriors, the main reason to come here...

    it's about them, it's about who they are, and why they serve,                    
so, why do they do it? who are they? what happens to them?...         
    first of all, people don't join the military so they can learn         
how to kill people, they join because they're thinking they can          
help somebody, and a person like that, is a beautiful person...
    well, they take this beautiful person, and send them
somewhere truly horrible, and they tell them to "do the right
thing", which is why a lot of them come back a little mixed
    but, it doesn't have to last, and that's partly up to you, if
you know a person who has served, maybe a relative, or a
friend, show your appreciation for their efforts to keep you safe--
    be understanding...maybe sometime you might be having breakfast
with someone like that, and when you ask them if they want some
more pancakes, they don't answer right could be they're back
here, in one of these rooms, in a firefight, or some other tough situation,
that war provides--
    after the moment passes, you can take their hand, or just touch
them, to tell them you love them, or that you care, that you know
where they might have just been--
    if you do that, they might not come back here quite so much, or
when they do, it won't be for as the very least, on memorial
day, you should go to the parade(if you can)--
    if you do, when the veterans go by, take off your hat, and cover
your heart, or salute(if you want to), because they deserve it, and it really
means a lot to them...
                                          --best wishes, and god bless--
                                                      (bill hawley)


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