Thursday, November 11, 2010

--faith and casual conversation--

     i wrote this note to my pastor, but right now i'm
not sure i sent it--

     my faith, and television, are often at odds...this
really shows itself in my daily conversations--
   here in america, we tend to respond negatively
about a subject, if whom we are speaking to has
made a negative reference first--
    i catch myself doing this often, and as i study gods
word( filled with love and hope), this contrast is
becoming more apparent--
     when i get home, and reflect on the days
conversations, often, what i recall having said,
does not reflect my true overall feelings about
a subject--
    for example, you may admire someone at
work, but sometimes their socks don't match...
during a casual conversation with someone
at work that day, the sock problem may
be mentioned--
   should you blindly chime in to this negative tune,
even though you highly regard this person?...

   this issue is very similar to the shyness i have had,
on occasion, when my beliefs have been questioned--
it takes practice(and a thimble full of courage), to
go against the grain of all things--
   i hope, as whom-ever reads this, sits inside...i
must suggest that there are endless opportunities
just outside that door, where america awaits--
    take a few breaths, or count to five, before
answering someone setting a negative tone--
    is it really how you feel about the subject?,
grandmas always say "if you can't say anything
nice, don't say anything at all", grandma knows
best, almost every time(and with frightening
precision, i might add)...
   so, speak the positive, and save the rest for
your prayers--

 (i prayed for a new pair of socks for my friend,
instead of slandering him for it...)



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