Tuesday, August 30, 2011

--your place--

 a few thoughts i just had, posted
right now--

 your place,
   where is that, is it a good one,
and are you in it by yourself--
   be it hell, heaven, or just in
between the two...how the time
there is spent seems like the whole
   spend it well...share the parts that
seem like heaven with whom-ever
you can--
--be yourself, love another, keep it real--

                                --prince tippy--



  wrote this very recently, just found
a moment to post it today--

   everything, the main thing, come
hell or high water, through thick and
thin, blood...thicker than water( if the
blood be kindred)--
  stick with your loved ones... and your
friends who are like them( both close, and
well trusted)--
--stay sharp, keep fit, make good decisions--

                                   --prince tippy--


Saturday, August 27, 2011

--the gift--

   something i wrote a few days back
but was unable to post till now--

  great effort made for another,
solely for the purpose of honouring
who they are, and what they mean
to you--
  a ring, a poem, a task...something
  love expressed openly, and in a way
special to the giver, and whom given,
creating good feelings, and a lasting
connection...for all time--

                            --prince tippy--


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

--the martial arts(bushido)--

   something i wrote less than less
than an hour ago--

   snapping clothes, flowing like
water, with both subtle force, and
extreme power--
  wielded with gentle wisdom, and
great honour, little known, yet fully
  --honour, duty, friendship--

                          --prince tippy--


Thursday, August 18, 2011


    still a homeless bum, living in my van,
down to my last three or four dollars,
can't find a job, and bills are piling up,
can't seem to stay clean(from clothes
smelling so bad), on the bright side, i am
enjoying writing and crafts( i have a lot of
free time in my current situation)--
    also, i am experiencing life at the bottom, as
a person whom people apparently feel has no value...
quite an experience, i may be the better for it,
at some point, but not today--(more later)

  "telling it like it is", flat-out... and straight-up--
not for help, but a warriors "lay-of-the land",
so those in your corner know what round you
are fighting, and what punches have landed--
  the current state of affairs must be known,
before improvements can be made, whether
out-loud, or to yourself, the value is there--

--stay sharp, keep fit, make good decisions--

                                         --prince tippy--


Thursday, August 11, 2011

--roughing it--

   something i wrote last night, when
an old adventure came to mind--

   alone with your thoughts, close
quarters in hard times, sometimes
your troubles are not far away, you're
insulated from them, but not by much--
  it's when the best you've got better do,
with luck, some good gear, and a friend...
you get through--
--keep calm...stay warm--
                                         --prince tippy--



  something i wrote last night while in
my favorite coffee shop--

   i once heard a person say "if you
don't have any enemies...make some"--

  sounded strange, but it's half  right,
how you handle someone with bad
feelings about you, actively doing you
harm, builds character, and is a real
learning experience--
   the tree that bends does not break,
but a bent-over tree bears little fruit...
  be patient, until both you, and your
adversary, grow tired of it--
  then, when enemies are dealt with,
the justice will be just...

                            --prince tippy--


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

--hard feelings--

   an off moment last night led me to
these feelings--

    unmet expectations, slighted, unwanted,
or just not over it yet, moving past being treated
badly can take awhile, the best cure is being
treated fairly, quite often--
   whatever person, place, or thing that was a jerk
matters not, knowing with whom not to spend time
is usually worth the expense of a little discomfort--
   seen in the right light, dark times are left behind,
and only the silver lining remains, as a tool wielded
by a stronger person--
   --go down hard, get up quick, make the best of it--

                                               --prince tippy--


--what if--

      a few thoughts i had last night--

   a slip, wrong turn, missed the
boat, that ship has sailed, what if... mostly
hurts, what if, is best replaced with what now--

    now... living in the present, yesterday melts
away when now is both better, and appreciated,
a love lost is rekindled when there is love today...
not based on years past--
    the touch of that one special person is felt for a
moment, waste not these precious seconds on
yesterday, where you have been, who you think you
should be, or hard times filled with bad memories...joy,
and enjoyment, lie in letting the past go, and now happen,
   feel joy...savour now, live well--

                                       --best wishes, prince tippy--


--peas and carrots--

    something i wrote last night at one
of my favorite coffee spots--

    some of the foods in the basket
go good together, one thing that compliments
the other, very well, and very often--
    two things that are good together, making
one thing that is great, for all time...peas and
carrots, a legendary pair, that have no equals
in the cookbook of history...they were made
for each other--
                                  --prince tippy--


Sunday, August 7, 2011

--people watching--

   something i was thinking today while
i was sipping coffee--

    we are all used to the rich and
famous having fans, i have a unique
habit of becoming fans of everyday
   all of them are totally unaware of
said admiration, but it would be awkward
if they were... being the secret fan-base of
someone who rings up your order, or takes
your money, when you pay for gas, is a special
joy i call my own--
  a lot of people don't see what's great about
them, because they don't see themselves like the
rest of us(or the person's obviously good qualities
escape everyone but me), watching someone, and
really listening, brings sights, and sounds, that inspire
the mind, and move the soul--
    it's about loving someone, not for what they can
give you, but for who they are, and how that makes
you feel--
                                                  --prince tippy--


Saturday, August 6, 2011

--the jinga--

   noticed a person just before close
at work last night, that i sensed might
be a capoeta practitioner,
this led me to these thoughts about this style,
and those who pursue this type of excellence--

    the heart of capoeta beats strongly
in brazil...the jinga goes forever--
